Monday 7 November 2011

Final Draft

*Disclaimer: The inly thing(s) revised in this were a few grammar errors.

Joel Penalo
World Geography
Ms. Natalie Jaeger
30th October, 2011
Slums: A Social and Global Problem
                All around the world, wherever one goes, there is bound to be a slum. Slums are places; especially in largely populated cities with poor housing, security and high crime rates. Slums usually have their problems, in fact a lot of them. The reason why people live in slums is because they were seeking a better life and because of poverty. Not only do slums have an effect on people inside of them; then again they have an effect on people outside of them. The vision of slums and the concept of them create international philanthropic causes. First of all, seeking and starting a new life.
                One of the reasons why many people live in slums is because they wanted a better, newer and more refined life. Many people in slums were entrepreneurs who left their village due to extreme poverty and bad life conditions. According to Elisabeth Eaves “The vast majority moved to the city seeking better economic prospects”. In fact people who moved to slums did not hope to have a better life; they expected to have a better life. Next; the second reason why people live in slums is due to poverty.
                The second reason why people live in slums is due to poverty. The poor housing and security are effects of this poverty. According to Sheri Fink for PRI “A jumble of rusted roofs stretches to the

horizon”. The quote shown shows the poor quality of the housing in the Kiberia slum. This is yet again another reason why people live in slums. Finally, the effect slums have on people outside of them.
                Slums do not only affect the people living in them, but bring social awareness outside of them. All over the world there are campaigns to help poor communities around the world, especially in slums. To this day there are still actions being developed to reduce the poverty radius around the earth. According to Nils Blythe for BBC News “…specialists argue that more needs need to be done to divert investments towards impoverished areas”. This shows that there are plans still in development for improving slums.
                Looking at the information above, one can conclude that slum life is not really a good thing. The poor housing and low security make for a bad habitat. Then again, these things can be improvised by the help of philanthropic causes around the globe. Think about it; how much better would slum life be if the world population pitched in together to fix this. Small efforts make all the difference.

Works Cited
Ø  “World Geography: Understanding a Changing World” World Geography: Understanding a                          Changing World. N.p, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
Ø  Blythe Nils “BBC News| Business| Mumbai’s Slum Life Poses World Problem”. BBC News-Home.              N.p, 26 Feb. 2008. Web, 26 Oct.          2011.
Ø  Fink, Sheri “Cities of the Poor: Life in the Slums (Kenya)”. Public Radio International: The World.                N.p, 18 Dec. 2006. Web 26 Oct. 2011.

Rough Draft

Joel Penalo
World Geography
Ms. Natalie Jaeger
30th October, 2011
Slums: A Social and Global Problem
                All around the world, wherever one goes, there is bound to be a slum. Slums are places; especially in largely populated cities with poor housing, security and high crime rates. Slums usually have their problems, in fact a lot of them. The reason why people live in slums is because they were seeking a better life and because of poverty. Not only do slums have an effect on people inside of them; then again they have an effect on people outside of them. The vision of slums and the concept of them create international philanthropic causes. First of all, seeking and starting a new life.
                One of the reasons why many people live in slums is because they wanted a better, newer and more refined life. Many people in slums were entrepreneurs who left their village due to extreme poverty and bad life conditions. According to Elisabeth Eaves “The vast majority moved to the city seeking better economic prospects”. In fact people who moved to slums did not hope to have a better life; they expected to have a better life. Next; the second reason why people live in slums is due to poverty.
                The second reason why people live in slums is due to poverty. The poor housing and security are effects of this poverty. According to Sheri Fink for PRI “A jumble of rusted roofs stretches to the

horizon”. The quote shown shows the poor quality of the housing in the Kiberia slum. This is yet again another reason why people live in slums. Finally, the effect slums have on people outside of them.
                Slums do not only affect the people living in them, but bring social awareness outside of them. All over the world there are campaigns to help poor communities around the world, especially in slums. To this day there are still actions being developed to reduce the poverty radius around the earth. According to Nils Blythe for BBC News “…specialists argue that more needs need to be done to divert investments towards impoverished areas”. This shows that there are plans still in development for improving slums.
                Looking at the information above, one can conclude that slum life is not really a good thing. The poor housing and low security make for a bad habitat. Then again, these things can be improvised by the help of philanthropic causes around the globe. Think about it; how much better would slum life be if the world population pitched in together to fix this. Small efforts make all the difference.

Works Cited
Ø  “World Geography: Understanding a Changing World” World Geography: Understanding a                          Changing World. N.p, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
Ø  Blythe Nils “BBC News| Business| Mumbai’s Slum Life Poses World Problem”. BBC News-Home.              N.p, 26 Feb. 2008. Web, 26 Oct.          2011.
Ø  Fink, Sheri “Cities of the Poor: Life in the Slums (Kenya)”. Public Radio International: The World.                N.p, 18 Dec. 2006. Web 26 Oct. 2011.

Friday 21 October 2011


All around the world, it does not matter where it is; there is bound to be a slum. For those that don't know, a slum is an area usually in a large city with poor housing security and resources. Many people around the world live in slums; and for good reasons like poverty, their choice to live there. Slums also affect human populations outside of them by igniting a philanthropic cause for those in slums. First, we start with poverty.

-Joel Peñaló

Tuesday 18 October 2011


I. Introduction
a. Wherever one goes in the world there is bound to be a slum there
b. Slums are areas in mostly large cities with poor housing privacy and security.
c. People lve in slums because of poverty and they chose to live there. Also, slums can affect other people by igniting philathropic emotions.
d. First of all, people live in slums due to poverty.

II. First Point
a. The first reason why people lve in slums is because of poverty
b. "She lives here with her four children, her husband and her in-laws. All eight of them are crowded into a one room shack."
c. The quote shown above says that people move to slums because of poverty and shows lifestyle conditions due to this poverty.
d. The second reason why people live in slums is because they decide to live there in the first place.

III. Secondly, people live in slums because they made up their mind to move somwhere else and possibly end up in a slum.
b."People move not because they will be better off, they move because the expect to be better off."
c. The quote above shows that the people who live in slums might have come from poor villages looking for a better opportunity in life and ended up in a slum just trying to get a new fresh start to their lives.
d. The last point to bementioned is how do slums affect the human population around the world. Sounds like psychology and it probably is.

IV. The final point defended here is how do slums affect the human population around the globe outside of slums themselves.


d. This final point shows how human populations outside of slums are affected by slums themselves.

V. Conclusion

a. (see above for hook)
b. (see above for thesis)
c. Think about it for a moment... Many people from slums came originally from poor vilages in search for new hope in life but could not find it at all. So would they be better off in the villages they came from (in the form of standard of living)?

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Thesis Statement

Slums negatively affect humans through vulnerable poverty of residents which gives them little choice over their living situations; however slums can effectively and positively affect humans by igniting philanthropic cause.